Chromium Compounds Sodium DichromateSodium Dichromate is a strong oxidising agent and a source in preparing chromium based derivatives.Basic Chromium SulphateChromium Sulphate is majorly used in the leather industry for tanning and processing.Chromic AcidHigh purity Chromic Acid is used in to manufacture metal and plastic coatings.Chrome Oxide GreenAlso known as Chromium (III) Oxide, it is used as an inorganic pigment in paints, architectural coatings, plastics, roofing tiles and ceramic tiles.SODIUM SULFATEIt finds a range of applications that are indispensible to everyday lives of people.POTASSIUM DICHROMATEPotassium Dichromate is as an oxidizing agent in variety of applications such as manufacturing of matches. Barium Compounds BARIUM CARBONATEBarium Carbonate is used in the manufacturing of electro-ceramic materials, glazes, bricks, frits and enamels.BARIUM SULPHATEPrecipitated Barium Sulphate is used in Coatings, Pigments, Plastics, and Battery ExpandersSODIUM SULPHIDESodium Sulphide finds its use in the leather industry, wastewater treatment, soil remediation, the mining industry, and pulp paper among others.